If you have a question that is not "Frequently Asked" then you can get a lot of people to ask the same question and it will then appear here...

Frequently Asked Questions ... the man said ... and that's what they are. I have composed the collection here from various questions asked in e-mails and other communications over the years. If you have a question that is not "Frequently Asked" then you can get a lot of people to ask the same question and it will then appear here. This is not a static document. Alternatively, if it is a less frequently asked question you can look in Fixit-Parts , Fixit-Inspection, Hard Core, Album or History. If you just cannot find your answer(s) anywhere on the site, then please e-mail me. The question can be about the Quad ESL, or the Quad ESL '63.

The listing below is somewhat prioritised, in order of most frequently asked, to least. However, this is not strict!!

Click on a question below to see the answer...

What coating did Quad use on the original Quad ESL diaphragm?

A substance called CALATON. CALATON was a form of Nylon, which had its surface modified such that it would go into alcohol/water solution at the reflux temperature of Methyl Alcohol. CALATON was made by I.C.I. (U.K)